Gift, loyalty and employee access cards can be issued and managed in house so there is no need for an external program. The following guidelines should be used when ordering cards and apply to gift cards, loyalty cards and employee access cards. This topic does not apply to the GIFTePay gift card interface, as pre-encoded cards are provided by the merchant account provider.


Cards must be encoded on track1 AND track 2, similar to the example below. Track 3 can also be used, but not necessary. If using a 3rd party to encode your cards, obtain & test a sample card before all of the cards are encoded. The card printing company can test a card before encoding the entire batch by downloading the demo version of AmigoPOS. Be sure to request a test card to verify that the card is properly encoded before ordering the full run of cards.





Sample track1&2 for card #10000105:


%G5  GIFT OR LOYALTY CARD     10000105?;10000105?



In the example shown above:


 track 1 start sentinel is %

 track 1 end sentinel is ?

 track 1 data is   G5  GIFT OR LOYALTY CARD     10000105

 track 2 start sentinel is ;

 track 2 end sentinel is ?

 track 2 data is 10000105


The tracks and start/end sentinels are configured in back office | settings | devices | magnetic card reader as described in the magnetic card reader configuration help topic.